The demand for web applications has increased as more and more businesses employ them to provide a better user experience. As a result, developers are trying different technologies and frameworks that support faster and better web development.
According to a user survey report, 4 out of 5 Node JS developers state that Node JS frameworks are their go-to choice for offering web development services.
Node JS frameworks offer advanced features to build web apps after and without more expense. However, selecting the right framework is tough as there are many choices out there. This article provides the 12 most popular Node JS frameworks you can choose in 2022 for your web development project.

Types of Node JS Frameworks
Every web development technology offers different types of frameworks for different use cases. Similarly, Node JS also has varied frameworks that can be categorised as below:
MVC Frameworks
These types of frameworks divide the application logic into three parts: Model, View, and Controller (MVC). This separation allows developers to maintain code easily and scale applications faster.
Full-Stack MVC Frameworks
Full-Stack MVC frameworks help build real-time applications with their scaffolding libraries, template engines, and many other development capabilities.
REST API Frameworks
These frameworks offer ready-to-program interfaces that help developers save time, cost, and energy.

How to choose the best Node JS framework?
Node JS has many frameworks in its ecosystem. So, choosing the right one is paramount to making your web development a seamless process. You can consider some factors to pick the right platform for your project.
Node JS frameworks offer a definite structure for the code base, and in the long run, this decides your app’s characteristics, way of processing data, and handling computation. So, you don’t want a framework that limits you.
If the framework isn’t flexible with other methods, it probably isn’t good. Moreover, it should also offer Node JS libraries and packages to make your app development faster.
Although features are subjective to the type of your applications, there are some basic features which, having them in your ideal framework, supports your web development.
Declarative Programming:
Such methods of programming abstract away the logic required for the software to perform an action. It enables developers to write short and efficient code.
Cluster Management:
A framework is considered nice when it allows organizing, sorting, previewing, editing, and managing clusters.
Middleware Support:
Middleware is software that helps developers improve their application’s performance and security and optimize functionality to deliver better results.
Batch Support:
A framework that allows multiple background processes simultaneously can help things get done as soon as possible.
Popular Node JS Frameworks in 2022
Here we have reviewed 12 Node JS frameworks that aid in diverse projects and help developers provide faster and more quality web development services.

Express.js is the most popular and widely used Node JS framework. It enables code reusability, session storing, cookie storage, and payload handling. In addition, its robust routing, templating, security features, and error handling makes Express.js a perfect framework for developing any enterprise-level browser-based app. However, it is an ideal tool for building any type of app.

Hapi.js is an open-source Node JS framework and a commercially available server. The framework is reliable and rich regarding security. And therefore, it is perfect for building proxy servers, REST APIs, and other high-end desktop applications. However, it also supports developing secure, scalable, real-time social media apps.

Meteor.js is an open-source, isomorphic, JavaScript web framework launched in 2022. It supports automatic data changes to clients without requiring a developer’s effort. Most importantly, it has a vast, comprehensive library and testing features that allow developers to keep up with client-server communication.

This is a full-stack MVC framework with easy-to-write coding nomenclature. It uses the Racer engine to synchronise user, app data, and user interface in real time. Furthermore, it allows the same code to run on the server and browser, so you don’t have to write separate code for the view part, making it an excellent option for real-time apps.

Total is a full-fledged open-source Node JS framework that offers a CMS-like experience. The framework has different variants, such as HelpDesk, Eshop, and CMS. With these variants, the framework has a vast scope in IoT integrations, REST services, and super-fast apps with low maintenance costs. Total is a perfect framework for custom eCommerce website development, IoT-based apps, and cloud services.

Koa.js is an excellent framework for building APIs, as it efficiently deals with HTTP with a stack-like method. Moreover, it is pretty similar to Express and hence is called the lightweight version of Express. Therefore, when you want performance-critical applications, Koa is your choice.

Adonis is an MVC framework with features like support for the Racer engine, the operational transformation of data synchronisation, code sharing across client and server sides, and more. Adonis is well-suitable for building rapid web applications and web services that can return the JSON responses from the controller and are faster, interactive, and have higher security.

Socket.io is a JavaScript library that can build real-time apps and establish bidirectional communication between web servers and clients. With features like binary support, multiplexing support, and auto-reconnection, the Socket.io library makes an excellent choice for developing real-time applications like chat room apps, video conferencing apps, and multiplayer apps.

Mojito is a modular, source-controlled, split-testing framework that enables developers to build, launch, and analyse projects through Git/CI. It determines the calling device type and generates appropriate HTML content. In addition, the framework has large-scale API modules that can conduct REST calls, execute code, and manage cookies and assets.

Nest is a progressive Node.js framework that offers complete flexibility with its vast library and supports building dynamic, scalable, enterprise-level applications.

This MVC framework uses code generators to create web applications with very little code. Due to its excellent compatibility, Salis can be used to build browser-based applications.

LoopBack is a flexible framework that offers better connectivity than any other Node.js framework. In addition, it provides better connectivity with a wider range of platforms, technologies, databases, and services.
Node JS is a widely popular technology with a diverse and vast range of frameworks in its ecosystem. These frameworks make app development faster and more seamless with their excellent features.
However, frameworks alone do not make your app successful. Choosing the right professional to utilise these platforms is equally vital. And to select the right professional, hire a Node JS developer online from HKInfoway Technologies.
We are an enthusiastic team of developers proficient at building powerful and featureful web applications for SMEs and enterprises. Contact us today and get a free quote.
Which Node JS framework should I use in my next project?
The choice of Node JS framework should be determined after considering app requirements, building time, and budget. So, it is a good idea to consult an expert to help you make an informed choice.