Since its launch in 2013, React has been a top preferred JavaScript library for building UI for web and mobile apps. The library helps you create top-notch user interfaces. However, no library can entail everything, and sometimes developers have to rely on third-party libraries to incorporate some functionalities into the app. And React is no exception in this case.
React solely focuses on rendering and state management. For tasks such as routing and client-side features, developers have to rely on some third-party libraries to make their React JS web development effective. The article includes a curated list of React libraries that may ease your development by saving time and effort building features from scratch.
The List of React Component Libraries
Knowing only about React isn’t enough nowadays. You should have a firm idea and working knowledge of various tools and libraries of its vast ecosystem. Therefore, below we have listed some notable React libraries that may help make your React JS development seamless.

MUI Core
MUI Core is a recognized and reliable react js library. It offers easily accessible and customizable components and follows Google’s material design principles. MUI Core library includes a set of tools to help you quickly deploy improved tools and helps in creating well-designed, easy-to-use, flexible components. Its comprehensive set of tools can be integrated into any project.

Ant Design
Ant Design offers a comprehensive set of tools for designing React JS app interface. It combines Webpack, DVA, NPM, Babel, and Dora into a single software framework. Ant Design was designed to support internal desktop applications based on several concepts. It features ES6 compatibility and offers seamless integration with 50 customizable components.

React 360
Virtual reality has already proven its effectiveness in eCommerce apps. React 360 offers robust tools for creating virtual reality and 360 experience into mobile apps and web apps. The library smoothens the rendering of virtual reality apps on mobiles and desktops.
It aims to amplify the process of creating complex VR and 3D user interfaces. Its standard component tools boost the engagement experience for users, enabling you to offer the most innovative eCommerce web development services.

Chakra UI
Chakra UI offers straightforward and accessible user interface components that reduce developers’ time writing code and help build a more fantastic user experience. The component library follows WAI-ARIA standards, which helps you easily customize components to match design specifications. It offers light and dark themes, user interfaces, and 49 components, including inputs, accordions, icons, and tooltips.

React Bootstrap
React bootstrap works solely with its components, without bootstrap or jQuery dependencies. This component library achieves complete compatibility with React-Bootstrap themes. With it, you can have a long list of components having total power on each of them. Incorporating capabilities of bootstrap in virtual DOM, the upgrades of React Bootstrap ensure giving the most stable option for development.

React Router
React router has a declarative programming model, which brought it massive popularity among the React community. It offers components and elements to declaratively incorporate into the app. The library is most preferred for seamless navigation on single-page apps. It also offers screen-to-screen shift and server-side rendering with intense support for precise nesting.

Blueprint UI
Created by Palantir, Blueprint is an open-source UI package designed for creating complex data-dense interfaces for desktop applications. It comes with light and dark mode themes and adjustable design elements such as colour schemes, typography, classes, etc. Moreover, Blueprint has extensive documentation that helps newbies and experienced alike understand various concepts and features.

React Motion
React Motion helps animate React components, allowing you to create realistic animations. It takes advantage of physics to create realistic animations. You just need to specify the stiffness and damping parameters and React Motion will take care of the rest. Moreover, the documentation is super easy, and you can get started anytime.

As its documentation defines a predictable state container for JavaScript, Redux is a great library for connecting pieces of React components. It has various DevTools, which help identify changes in app state, log them, and send reports. This functionality makes React Redux an important tool for fine-tuning apps.

React Suite
This library provides developers with all the standard tools that help build web apps with ease. React Suite comes with customised themes, various clean and simple icons, and a colour palette. The library supports most of the modern web browsers like safari, chrome, firefox, etc.
React has grown a vast ecosystem that makes your mobile or web app development hassle-free. These libraries are among the most useful tools that community has built to ease the development. If you do not know more about React js development, why not hire a React js developer online for your web or mobile app project? Give us a call or ping us via email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.